Job hidden.

Implementation Consultant 12 month FTC

11 February by Equiniti

Equiniti is a leading international provider of shareholder, pension, remediation, and credit technology. With over 6000 employees, it supports 37 mil...

Job hidden.

Implementation Consultant 12 month FTC

11 February by Equiniti

Equiniti is a leading international provider of shareholder, pension, remediation, and credit technology. With over 6000 employees, it supports 37 million people in 120 countries. EQ's vision is to be the leading global share registrar, offering comp...

Job hidden.

Group IT Auditor

The role in a nutshell: Performance of IT audits and assurance tasks across TFSUK Group entities and/or subsidiaries & KINTO. About the EAR Internal Audit: Internal Audit acts as an assurance provider and consultant to Senior / Line management to sup...

Job hidden.

Pensions Administration Team Leader

4 days ago by ARC

Job Title/Location: Pensions Administration Team Leader, London WFH Salary: To 50,000 Office/WFH: Office based 2 days p/w 3 days p/w WFH Requirements: DB pensions administration, manual calculations & team lead/supervisory experience essential Role S...

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