12 Leisure & Tourism Jobs in Milton Keynes

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Travel Consultant

7 February by Hays Travel

If you’re passionate about travel, why not come and work at Travel Weekly’s Best Agency to Work For 2024? Full-time Competitive Salary & Unlimited Bon...

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Specialist Travel Consultant

5 days ago by Reed

Travel Consultant Annual Salary: 25,000 Location: Milton Keynes Job Type: Full-time Our client, a private members club dedicated to luxury travel, looking to expand their team of Travel Consultants . Work directly with the owner to maintain high stan...

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Specialist Travel Consultant

5 days ago by Reed

Travel Consultant Annual Salary: 25,000 Location: Milton Keynes Job Type: Full-time Our client, a private members club dedicated to luxury travel, looking to expand their team of Travel Consultants . Work directly with the owner to maintain high stan...

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Specialist Travel Consultant

5 days ago by Reed

Travel Consultant Annual Salary: 25,000 Location: Milton Keynes Job Type: Full-time Our client, a private members club dedicated to luxury travel, looking to expand their team of Travel Consultants . Work directly with the owner to maintain high stan...

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Team Leader - Incentive Travel

Are you an experienced Travel Manager, Assistant Manager or Team Leader from either a retail travel, corporate travel, tour operations or an events & incentives background? Would you like a Monday to Friday role, paying up to 35k pa, bonus and 28 day...

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Latin America Travel Specialist

Our client, a privately owned tailor-made Latin America specialist tour operator is looking for a full time travel consultant with a passion for Latin America and strong social media marketing skills to join their small and friendly team. This well-r...

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Spa Therapist Northamptonshire

18 February by Redcurrant Jobs

Spa Therapist -Northampton We are looking for a new team member to help cover ad-hoc casual shifts in an award-winning boutique modern spa based in a rural village setting, picking and choosing days when you are free to cover a column of treatments. ...

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Bookings Manager

Job Title: Bookings Manager Location: Milton Keynes (MK3 6EB) Salary: 30,000 per annum Job type: Full time, permanent About the company: Bletchley Park is a vibrant heritage attraction, open daily to visitors, revealing the secrets and telling fascin...

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Assistant Manager

7 February by Hays Travel

If you’re passionate about travel, why not come and work at Travel Weekly’s Best Agency to Work For 2024? Full-time Competitive Salary & Unlimited Bonus Potential At Hays Travel we put people at the heart of everything we do, that extends to our cust...

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Travel Consultant

7 February by Hays Travel

If you’re passionate about travel, why not come and work at Travel Weekly’s Best Agency to Work For 2024? Full-time Competitive Salary & Unlimited Bonus Potential At Hays Travel we put people at the heart of everything we do, that extends to our cust...

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Travel Consultant

7 February by Hays Travel

If you’re passionate about travel, why not come and work at Travel Weekly’s Best Agency to Work For 2024? Full-time Competitive Salary & Unlimited Bonus Potential At Hays Travel we put people at the heart of everything we do, that extends to our cust...

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Travel Consultant

7 February by Hays Travel

If you’re passionate about travel, why not come and work at Travel Weekly’s Best Agency to Work For 2024? Full-time Competitive Salary & Unlimited Bonus Potential At Hays Travel we put people at the heart of everything we do, that extends to our cust...

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Travel Consultant

7 February by Hays Travel

If you’re passionate about travel, why not come and work at Travel Weekly’s Best Agency to Work For 2024? Full-time Competitive Salary & Unlimited Bonus Potential At Hays Travel we put people at the heart of everything we do, that extends to our cust...

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