6 Transport & Logistics Jobs in Lower Tregantle

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5 days ago by Reed

We are seeking a dedicated Storekeeper on a temporary basis to join our team, providing logistic support for organisation including technical staff, crews, and administrative staff. Reporting to the Technical Manager, the Storekeeper will be instrume...

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5 days ago by Reed

We are seeking a dedicated Storekeeper on a temporary basis to join our team, providing logistic support for organisation including technical staff, crews, and administrative staff. Reporting to the Technical Manager, the Storekeeper will be instrume...

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HGV Driver

We are seeking professional HGV Class 1 and Class 2 Drivers for 2 leading courier and healthcare brands who operate deliveries and collections throughout the UK. There are roles available at different locations across the country. The roles involve t...

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HGV 2 Drivers £14.50ph-£16.25ph Plymouth, Devon

12 February by JHP Recruitment Ltd

HGV 2 Drivers required for ad-hoc and ongoing assignments in and around the Plymouth, Devon area. The roles will involve delivering building supplies to businesses, domestic customers, and construction sites in a safe and efficient manner. We have va...

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7.5t Driver

5 February by Berry Recruitment

7.5t Customer Delivery & Installation Driver Plymouth 4 day week but will include some weekend working 7am starts (typically 9 to 10 hour day) Temp to Perm PAY 14.00 ph Main Duties and Responsibilities: Safely deliver, install and demonstrate White G...

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Van Driver

Warehouse Operative/Driver – Long term temporary We are recruiting for warehouse operative for our client, based in Estover. Your role as a warehouse operative/driver will be working Monday to Friday, and the pay rate is 11.44 per hour. As well as ca...

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How many Transport & Logistics jobs in lower tregantle are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 6 Transport & Logistics jobs within 10 miles of Lower Tregantle on Reed.co.uk right now.

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