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Nursery Manager

17 January by Pinocchio's Nursery

Job title: Nursery Managers Job Types: Full-time, Permanent Part-time hours: 35-40 per week Salary: 35,360 - 40,000 based on 40 hours per year Working...

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Care Assistant - Complex Care

27 January by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Care Assistant at a Barchester complex care home, you'll help residents enjoy each day by making sure they get the quality care th...

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Nursery Manager

17 January by Pinocchio's Nursery

Job title: Nursery Managers Job Types: Full-time, Permanent Part-time hours: 35-40 per week Salary: 35,360 - 40,000 based on 40 hours per year Working days: Monday to Friday Location: Penicuik, Midlothian The Nursery Manager is responsible for the ef...

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Care Assistant - Complex Care

27 January by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Care Assistant at a Barchester complex care home, you'll help residents enjoy each day by making sure they get the quality care they deserve. We'll look to you to support our residents with a variety of needs, including advanced o...

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There are 2 Management jobs within 10 miles of Bonnyrigg on right now.

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