2 Motoring & Automotive Jobs in Bassingbourn

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MOT Tester

MOT TESTER WORKING 40 HOURS PER WEEK ACROSS 5 DAYS (NOT SUNDAYS) 30,000 - 38,000 PER ANNUM People Solutions are currently recruiting for a MOT Tester to join our well-established client based in Weston Super Mare. This is a fantastic opportunity offe...

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Vehicle Technician

Job description Technician Vacancy - Letchworth - 50,000 Our client is seeking an experienced Vehicle Mechanic to work within their busy main dealership. You must hold a level 3 qualification, applicants from both Main Dealer and Independent Workshop...

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How many Motoring & Automotive jobs in bassingbourn are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 2 Motoring & Automotive jobs within 10 miles of Bassingbourn on Reed.co.uk right now.

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What is the average salary of Motoring & Automotive jobs in bassingbourn

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