2 Motoring & Automotive Jobs in Caudledown

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Vehicle Technician

11 February by Pembrook Resourcing

Vehicle Technician (Mechanic) Pembrook Resourcing are searching for a Vehicle Technician (mechanic) to join our client, a well renowned dealership. Benefits: Above market salary up to 60,000/annum (Including bonus/overtime) 25 days paid holiday (plus...

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Vehicle Technician

Job description Technician Vacancy - Bodmin - 55,000 Our client is seeking an experienced Vehicle Mechanic to work within their busy main dealership. You must hold a level 3 qualification, applicants from both Main Dealer and Independent Workshops ar...

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There are 2 Motoring & Automotive jobs within 10 miles of Caudledown on Reed.co.uk right now.

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