4 Note Jobs

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2 days ago by Booker Group

About the role We have an exciting opportunity for a Merchandiser to join our Retail Merchandising team. The role is field based and full time, workin...

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Opex Improvement Coordinator

6 February by Greencore

Why Greencore? We're a leading manufacturer of convenience food in the UK and our purpose is to make every day taste better. We're a vibrant, fast-pac...

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Opex Improvement Coordinator

6 February by Greencore

Why Greencore? We're a leading manufacturer of convenience food in the UK and our purpose is to make every day taste better. We're a vibrant, fast-paced leading food manufacturer. Employing around 13,600 colleagues across 16 manufacturing units and 1...

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2 days ago by Booker Group

About the role We have an exciting opportunity for a Merchandiser to join our Retail Merchandising team. The role is field based and full time, working 38 hours per week, Monday - Friday. This role will cover parts of Buckinghamshire, Hampshire & Sur...

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Production Operator

12 February by Synertec

Do you have experience in a fast-paced Production environment? Are you efficient and results-focused? If yes, then read on, and let us tell you why Synertec is adding real value into the Public and Commercial Sectors. Location: Bristol Salary: 26,152...

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Marketing Assistant

24 January by Cenergist

Marketing Assistant Washington, Tyne and Wear About Us At Cenergist, we provide energy and water efficiency solutions; our turnkey delivery process takes clients from concept stage to measured results so they can meet their Net Zero and sustainabilit...

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