5 Other Jobs in Glodwick

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Maintenance Engineer, Multi-skilled

18 February by bet365

As a Multi Skilled Maintenance Engineer, you will work as part of a team to maintain our varied portfolio in multiple locations on both reactive and p...

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Cleaner, Evening Shift

29 January by bet365

As a Cleaner, you will work as part of a team to maintain a high standard of cleanliness throughout our offices. You will be an integral part of the c...

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Maintenance Engineer, Multi-skilled

18 February by bet365

As a Multi Skilled Maintenance Engineer, you will work as part of a team to maintain our varied portfolio in multiple locations on both reactive and planned works. As a multi-skilled tradesperson your role will be to maintain our buildings to the hig...

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AML Analyst


FCS Compliance is a leading AML compliance consultancy servicing both the property and art sectors. Our team of highly experienced consultants are looking for an AML Analyst to join our rapidly growing team. FCS Compliance offers all employees traini...

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Cleaner, Evening Shift

29 January by bet365

As a Cleaner, you will work as part of a team to maintain a high standard of cleanliness throughout our offices. You will be an integral part of the cleaning team, reporting directly to the Facilities Services Management team who will allocate tasks ...

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Pest Technician

23 January by Ecolab

Ecolab has an exciting opportunity for a Pest Technician .You will join us on a full-time permanent basis and in return will receive a competitive salary starting from 26,200. up to 29,000 , dependant on experiencedependant on experiencealong with gr...

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Senior Broker Systems Engineer

20 January by Vermelo RPO

Senior Broker Systems Engineer Calling all people with Open GI Experience… This is a fantastic opportunity to join a growing, thriving company with a huge presence in the insurance space. The role can be based at either the Peterborough, Manchester o...

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