The following job is no longer available:
Parent Adviser

Parent Adviser

Posted 12 June by Contact

Parent Adviser, Wales

Contract: Fixed Term Contract until 22 April 2027

Hours: 28 hours per week

Salary: £33,024 Pro rata per annum

Location: Home-based Wales

Do you want to make a difference for families with disabled children in Wales?

Contact is the UK charity for families with disabled children. Charity number 284912 (England and Wales). We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others - whatever their child’s disability or medical condition. We firmly believe that with the right support, families with disabled children can overcome the challenges they face, take control of their futures, and focus on what matters: being together and growing together.

We’ve got a fantastic opportunity for someone passionate about making a real difference to families caring for children with additional needs in Wales.

Your role

As our new parent adviser you’ll join our wonderful team in Wales as part of our Building Resilience Project.

In this part time, home-based role, you’ll have the opportunity to support and mentor parent carers, helping them develop their skills, knowledge, and confidence to make decisions that are best for their families. You’ll also help create and deliver well-being workshops for parent carers to empower, inform, and reduce their stress and help increase their confidence so they are able to access the benefits they are entitled to. And you’ll work in partnership with money advice organisations across Wales, to set up referrals for parent carers to make sure they get all the financial support they need.

What we’re looking for

  • Experience of working with and supporting families who have disabled children in Wales.
  • Ability to support and mentor parent carers to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make decisions that are right for their families.
  • Experience in creating, facilitating, and delivering workshops
  • Good organisational and administrative skills
  • Knowledge and experience of the issues and concerns that affect families who have disabled children e.g. leisure provision, education, respite care.
  • Knowledge of issues relating to maximising income, accessing financial support, benefits, and other financial issues.
  • Good communication, time management, and networking skills.

Interested in finding out more?

You can find out more details about the role in the job pack.

The role is home-based and can be done from anywhere in Wales, but we have a preference for candidates living in the following counties: Wrexham, Flintshire, Denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd, Powys, Newport, Monmouthshire, and Cardiff.

We welcome applications from parent carers who have lived experience of caring for a child with a disability or medical condition and wanting to take a step back into paid employment.

How to apply

Please return a completed application form along with an equal opportunities monitoring form (downloadable as part of the job pack) by the date stated below.

Important dates

Closing date: Sunday 7 July 2024 at 23:59
Interview date: Thursday 18 July 2024

Cynghorydd i Rieni, Cymru

Contract: Contract tymor penodol - 22 Ebrill 2027

Oriau: 21 awr yr wythnos

Cyflog: £31,364 pro rata

Lleoliad: Gweithio o gartref, Cymru

Ydych chi eisiau gwneud gwahaniaeth i deuluoedd sydd â phlant anabl yng Nghymru?

Contact yw’r elusen yn y DU i deuluoedd sydd â phlant anabl. Rhif elusen 284912 (Cymru a Lloegr). Rydym yn cefnogi teuluoedd, yn dod â theuluoedd at ei gilydd ac yn helpu teuluoedd i weithredu dros eraill - beth bynnag fo anabledd neu gyflwr meddygol eu plentyn. O gael y cymorth iawn, credwn yn gryf y gall teuluoedd sydd â phlant anabl oresgyn yr heriau sy’n eu hwynebu, cymryd rheolaeth ar eu dyfodol a chanolbwyntio ar yr hyn sy’n bwysig, sef bod gyda’i gilydd a thyfu gyda’i gilydd.

Dyma gyfle gwych i rywun sydd yn frwdfrydig am wneud gwir wahaniaeth i deuluoedd sy’n gofalu am blant sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol yng Nghymru.

Eich rôl

Yn gynghorydd i rieni, byddwch chi’n ymuno â’n tîm gwych yng Nghymru, yn rhan o’n Prosiect Datblygu Gwytnwch.

Byddwch yn gweithio’n rhan amser ac o’ch cartref, i gefnogi a mentora rhieni sy’n ofalwyr, yn eu helpu i ddatblygu eu sgiliau, eu gwybodaeth a’u hyder i wneud penderfyniadau sydd orau i’w teuluoedd. Byddwch hefyd yn helpu creu a chyflwyno gweithdai lles i rieni sy’n ofalwyr er mwyn grymuso, rhoi gwybodaeth a lleihau straen a chodi’u hyder fel y gallant hawlio’r budd-daliadau y mae ganddynt yr hawl iddynt. Byddwch chi’n gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda chyrff cyngor ariannol ar draws Cymru, i gyfeirio rhieni sy’n ofalwyr i sicrhau eu bod nhw’n cael y cymorth ariannol angenrheidiol.

Yr hyn yr ydym ni’n chwilio amdano

  • Profiad o weithio gyda theuluoedd sydd â phlant anabl yng Nghymru, a’u cefnogi.
  • Gallu cefnogi a mentora rhieni sy’n ofalwyr i ddatblygu’r sgiliau, yr wybodaeth a’r hyder i wneud penderfyniadau sy’n iawn i’w teuluoedd.
  • Profiad o greu, hwyluso, a chynnal gweithdai
  • Sgiliau trefnu a gweinyddol da
  • Gwybodaeth a phrofiad o’r materion a’r pryderon sy’n effeithio ar deuluoedd sydd â phlant anabl e.e. darpariaeth hamdden, addysg a gofal seibiant.
  • Gwybodaeth am faterion sy’n ymwneud â chynyddu incwm, hawlio cymorth ariannol, budd-daliadau, a materion ariannol eraill.
  • Sgiliau cyfathrebu, rheoli amser a rhwydweithio da.

Eisiau gwybod mwy?

Cewch fwy o fanylion am y swydd yn y pecyn swydd.

Gellir gwneud y rôl hon o gartref o unrhyw le yng Nghymru, ond byddai’n well gennym ymgeiswyr sy’n byw yn y siroedd hyn: Wrecsam, Sir y Fflint, Sir Ddinbych, Conwy, Gwynedd, Powys, Casnewydd, Sir Fynwy a Chaerdydd.

Croesewir ceisiadau gan rieni sy’n ofalwyr sydd â phrofiad o ofalu am blentyn sydd ag anabledd neu gyflwr meddygol ac sydd eisiau camu’n ôl i gyflogaeth am dâl.

Sut i wneud cais

Cwblhewch ffurflen gais a ffurflen monitro cyfleoedd cyfartal (gellir lawrlwytho yn rhan o’r pecyn swydd) a’u hanfon erbyn y dyddiad a nodir isod.

Dyddiadau pwysig

Dyddiad cau: 07.07.2024 @ 23:59
Dyddiad cyfweld: 18.07.2024

Reference: 52850776

Please note does not communicate with candidates via Whatsapp, and we will never ask you to provide your bank, passport or driving licence details during the application process. To stay safe in your job search and flexible work, we recommend visiting JobsAware, a non-profit, joint industry and law enforcement organisation working to combat labour market abuse. Visit the JobsAware website for information and free expert advice for safer work.

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