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Healthcare Administrator - Band 4

3 days ago by Meddoc Health

REMOTE-BASED role for an Experienced Administrator (preferably with Procurement experience or experience with a Procurement Team) Successful candidates have the following skills: 1. General admin support (e.g. coordinating meetings and fielding enqui...

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ANP/ACP for Locum sessions in Mablethorpe

25 February by Trust Locums

We have a client based in the Mablethorpe area seeking ad-hoc/regular shifts on a Saturday. The site is seeking an enthusiastic, dedicated primary ANP/ACP to join the existing multidisciplinary team on a Locum basis. Further details of the role: EXTE...

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Salaried GP - West Somerset Coast (FULL TIME OR PART TIME)

11 February by Trust Locums

We have a surgery on the West Somerset Coast seeking an on-site full time or part time salaried GP. The site is seeking an enthusiastic, dedicated primary care clinician to join the existing multidisciplinary team. Further details of the Salaried GP ...

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Salaried GP - Cornwall

7 February by Trust Locums

A new purpose-built healthcare facility in Cornwall, is seeking a dedicated and motivated GP to join their team on a salaried basis. Further details of the Salaried GP Role: 11K per session, once holding a full list of patients 4-6 session per week S...

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Salaried Pharmacist - Permanent Role

11 February by Trust Locums

We have a surgery on the West Somerset Coast seeking an on-site prescribing pharmacist for a permanent role. The site are seeking an enthusiastic, dedicated primary care pharmacist to join the existing multidisciplinary team. Further details Permanen...

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