Job hidden.

Logistics Coordinator

7 January by Randox Laboratories

Logistics Coordinator - (Job Ref: 25N/LGCO) Randox Laboratories continues to develop disruptive innovations in Diagnostics and Healthcare globally. We...

Job hidden.

Logistics Coordinator

7 January by Randox Laboratories

Logistics Coordinator - (Job Ref: 25N/LGCO) Randox Laboratories continues to develop disruptive innovations in Diagnostics and Healthcare globally. We are proud to have been named the Number 1 company in Northern Ireland for the second consecutive ye...

Job hidden.

Manufacturing Operative

7 January by Randox Laboratories

Manufacturing Operative (Packing) - (Job Ref: 25N/MMPK) Randox Laboratories continues to develop disruptive innovations in Diagnostics and Healthcare globally. We are proud to have been named the Number 1 company in Northern Ireland for the second co...

Job hidden.

Finance Administrator

21 January by Randox Laboratories

Finance Administrator - (Job Ref: 25N/FINE) Randox Laboratories continues to develop disruptive innovations in Diagnostics and Healthcare globally. We are proud to have been named the Number 1 company in Northern Ireland for the second consecutive ye...

Job hidden.

Environmental Manager

28 January by Randox Laboratories

Environmental Manager - (Job Ref: 25N/ENVM) Randox Laboratories continues to develop disruptive innovations in Diagnostics and Healthcare globally. We are proud to have been named the Number 1 company in Northern Ireland for the second consecutive ye...

Job hidden.

Health and Safety Manager

28 January by Randox Laboratories

Health and Safety Manager - (Job Ref: 25N/HSMN) Randox Laboratories continues to develop disruptive innovations in Diagnostics and Healthcare globally. We are proud to have been named the Number 1 company in Northern Ireland for the second consecutiv...

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