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Food & Beverage Manager

19 February by Scattergoods Agency

We're looking for a Food & Beverage Manager to join our client, a high volume, multiple-outlet Catering Operation based near Leatherhead, Surrey, in their welcoming and customer-focused environment. This is a fantastic opportunity for a hands-on, mot...

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Estate Director

3 days ago by PMR

Our Client is looking for an experienced Estate Director to oversee a team at a luxury residential estate based in West London. Working Monday to Friday with the hours of 9am - 5:30pm. Salary is 70,000 - 75,000 annually. Duties include: Responsibilit...

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There are 2 permanent, contract Hr Training Officer jobs within 10 miles of Epsom on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for hr training officer jobs also search for training manager jobs, hr coordinator jobs, hr jobs, training advisor jobs, and training coordinator jobs.

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