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Piano Coach London

10 January by ROLI

Piano Coaches We're looking for Piano Coaches with a diverse range of accents to be the faces and voices of our Learn app. ROLI is developing exciting...

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AV Technician

AV Technician Location: Based in Kensington, London Salary: 31,200 - 34,320 per annum - depending on experience and qualifications Hours: Monday to Fr...

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Piano Coach London

10 January by ROLI

Piano Coaches We're looking for Piano Coaches with a diverse range of accents to be the faces and voices of our Learn app. ROLI is developing exciting new content for its Learn audience, which is focused on beginners, so Piano Coaches should be skill...

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AV Technician

AV Technician Location: Based in Kensington, London Salary: 31,200 - 34,320 per annum - depending on experience and qualifications Hours: Monday to Friday 09.30am-05.30pm (with a one-hour lunch break), plus overtime for Monday Night Lectures, some ev...

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There are 2 permanent, full-time Lecturer jobs within 10 miles of Middlesex on right now.

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