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Day Centre Driver

Company Description Wesbourne Park Day Centre (London Care) Driver/Care Assistant We’re creating brighter days. Fresh challenges. Exciting opportuniti...

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Day Centre Driver

Company Description Wesbourne Park Day Centre (London Care) Driver/Care Assistant We’re creating brighter days. Fresh challenges. Exciting opportunities. Plenty of ups, downs, and curveballs. With a career as a Driver/Care Assistant at London Care, p...

Job hidden.

Team Manager

Children's Social Care Team Manager (Team Manager -Safeguarding) Team Manager - Safeguarding and Care Planning Team Salary: up to 55,890.00 per annum In addition, you will receive up to 2000 annual retention payment, 2000 Golden Hello and other excel...

Job hidden.

Team Manager

Team Manager - Safeguarding and Care Planning Team Salary: up to 55,890.00 per annum In addition, you will receive up to 2000 annual retention payment, 2000 Golden Hello and other excellent benefits including a lease car Hours: Full Time Contract: Pe...

Job hidden.

Senior Social Worker

Bromley Council are recruiting for a Permanent Social Worker/Approved mental health professional to join their community mental health teams based in Orpington and Beckenham. 52,327.00 2,000 Golden Hello, 1,500 Annual Retention Allowance and other ex...

Job hidden.

Team Manager

eam Manager - (Children Social Care - Referral and Assessment Team) Team Manager - Referral and Assessment Team Salary: up to 55,890.00 per annum In addition, you will receive up to 2000 annual retention payment, 2000 Golden Hello and other excellent...

Job hidden.

Best interest Assessor

Social Worker (Best Interest Assessor) Social Worker (Best Interest Assessor) x 2 1 full-time post and 1 part-time post (18 hours) Salary: Up to 46,578 (BR11/BR12 2) In addition, you will receive 1,500 annual retention and 1,000 Golden Hello and othe...

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