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Customer Distribution Assistant

Jewson Partnership Solutions (JPS) is a brand within Stark UK which specialises in providing solutions for our customers in the Public Sector predominately Housing Associations and Local Authorities. We operate a fantastic supply solution with Bournv...

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11 February by William Martin

Scheduler Location: Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England Salary: 25k per year Permanent About us At William Martin, part of the SRC division, we're transforming health and safety compliance into a foundation for resilience and success. With deep indus...

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Call Centre Team Leader

6 February by Pertemps Worcester

Are you a Team Leader in a customer service environment - whether in a contact centre, call centre, or a similar fast-paced, customer focused setting - and ready to take the next step in your career? Join a well-established, made-to-order furniture m...

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