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Digital Account Manager

30 January by Walker and Sloan Ltd

Walker and Sloan are once again partnering with an award winning Digital Marketing Agency, as they are keen to bring on board an experienced Digital Account Manager to the client services team on a full time basis. Job Overview We have an exciting op...

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Studio Technician / Artworker / Pre-Press

30 January by AWD online

Studio Technician / Artworker / Pre-Press who has experience using Microsoft Office, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign with excellent organisation, time-management and communication skills is required for a leading commercial graphics and vis...

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There are 2 permanent Production Manager jobs within 10 miles of Suffolk on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for production manager jobs also search for manager jobs, manufacturing jobs, production jobs, operations manager jobs, and manufacturing manager jobs.

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