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Quality Control & Warehouse Assistant

A luxury, high-end wholesale supplier of specialist textiles and trimmings to the interior design and decoration industry is recruiting for a responsible and trustworthy warehouse assistant. This is a role requiring a strong eye for detail and the ab...

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Warehouse Coordinator

Job title: Warehouse Coordinator Salary : DOE Location : Dagenham My client is looking for a Warehouse Coordinator to join their team. This role is a broad role and requires someone who has an understanding of how the warehouse works, from sales thro...

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Warehouse Supervisor

Job title : Warehouse Supervisor Salary : DOE Location : Dagenham My client is looking for a Warehouse Supervisor to join their team. This role is a broad role and requires someone who has an understanding of how the warehouse works, from sales throu...

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CRM Manager

16 January by Reed

Head of CRM As Head of the CRM Team, you will be responsible for developing and implementing strategies to build and maintain customer relationships. From managing customer data, leading the email marketing team, overseeing print marketing and brande...

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Logistics and Distribution Manager

Logistics and Distribution Manager Key Skills: Logistics and Distribution, Rental Equipment, Stock Control (outbound / inbound), Large Scale, People Management, Ability to Make things happen, excellent communication skills. Excellent Substantial Bene...

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