3 Temporary Hr Assistant Jobs

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Software Developer

17 February by Fynity

Job Title: Software Developer Hours: Full-time (40 hours per week) Location: Glasgow City Centre or Cumbernauld Salary: Up to 50,000 (DOE) We are a leading provider of specialist healthcare services across multiple regions, committed to innovation an...

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Cyber Security Assurance Tester and IR Specialist

20 February by Six Degrees Group

Six Degrees is a leading secure, integrated cloud services provider, where everyone is welcome. We believe success lies in harnessing a truly diverse and inclusive culture. Our business protects UK organisations with the goal of enabling them to oper...

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Software Development Team Manager

6 February by Reality Solutions Ltd

Job Title: Software Development Team Manager Location : Hull, HU7 0AE or surrounding areas as role is predominantly office based Salary: Up to 40,000 Job Type: Permanent, Full Time Schedule: Monday to Friday Work Location: In person Role is office ba...

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