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ML / AI Engineer - Python - £60,000 - Remote

ML / AI Engineer - 60,000 - Remote Company Overview: Our client is a Microsoft-partnered consultancy that excels in delivering exceptional data and AI solutions to a diverse array of clients. Their expertise includes advanced data analytics, artifici...

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.NET Core Developer - C#, Azure Function/Logic Apps, Auth0

20 February by Jumar Solutions

Our client, a leading business management services consultancy, is currently going through an exciting Digital Transformation journey and a skilled, UK based Senior Back end Developer is required to join them to support their strategic project initia...

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Front End Developer REACT, TailWind, Capacitor

17 February by Jumar Solutions

Our client, a leading business management services consultancy is currently going through an exciting Digital Transformation journey and a skilled, UK based mid level Front end Developer is required to join them to support their strategic project ini...

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Sr Back-end Developer C#, .NET, ReactJS, NodeJS

17 February by Jumar Solutions

Our client, a leading business management services consultancy, is currently going through an exciting Digital Transformation journey and a skilled, UK based Senior Back end Developer is required to join them to support their strategic project initia...

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