Job hidden.

Design Manager

Design Manager Lead the engineering design delivery on Clean and Waste water projects across our Design and Build Contracts Integrate multiple enginee...

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Design Manager

Design Manager Lead the engineering design delivery on Clean and Waste water projects across our Design and Build Contracts Integrate multiple engineering disciplines including process, mechanical, civil / structural, electrical, instrumentation, con...

Job hidden.

Export Infrastructure: Design and Construction Project Manager

3 Feburary by MBDA

Bolton MBDA is looking to recruit an experienced and professional Project Manager, with an engineering background ideally in Structural or Electrical Engineering, to join its CSS Export Infrastructure Projects Team. The role will be prioritised to su...

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Electrical Supervisor Renewables

Electrical Supervisor (Renewables) Field Based - Greater Manchester, Liverpool, Warrington, Stockport, Bolton, Wigan, Preston , Burnley, Bury, Oldham, Rochdale & Surrounding Areas 40,000 - 50,000 Van Pension Rising Holiday Allowance Specialist Traini...

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