Job hidden.

Bank Nurse

Job Introduction Bank Nurse Doncaster 30 p/h days, 35 p/h nights (Any travel exceeding 30 miles will be paid 35p per mile) We are seeking a passionate...

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Adult Psychiatrist

5 Feburary by Elysium Healthcare

Do you want to work in a friendly, committed and established Mental Health service, where your knowledge and skills will be valued? Are you a Consultant Psychiatrist with experience working with people in inpatient settings who may be treated under t...

Job hidden.

Bank Nurse

Job Introduction Bank Nurse Doncaster 30 p/h days, 35 p/h nights (Any travel exceeding 30 miles will be paid 35p per mile) We are seeking a passionate and driven Bank Nurse to join our team. The primary purpose of the Nurse is to support complex care...

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Lead Psychologist

Yesterday by Elysium Healthcare

Are you an experienced Senior Psychologist looking for a new challenge in a rewarding environment, where you can make a real difference? If so, then join the team at All Saints Hospital in Oldham as a Lead Psychologist and enjoy support from a region...

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Regional Registered Nurse RGN

15 January by Barchester Healthcare

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Nurse (RGN/RMN) at Barchester, you'll travel across your region to deliver the high clinical standards we're known for. We'll look to you to lead a multi-disciplinary team to make sure that on each shift, at every locatio...

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