3 Service Engineer Jobs

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Associate Director - Contingency Claims

13 February by Lawes Consulting Group

Job title: Associate Director - Contingency Claims Salary: 65,000 Location: London Purpose of role: To service the claims needs of customers, providing quality customer care, ensuring that all issues relating to the claims process are dealt with proa...

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Lead Software Engineer

LEAD SOFTWARE ENGINEER 80,000 - 100,000 PER ANNUM WEST LONDON (3 / 2 HYBRID) A strongly backed scale-up in the Insurance industry, growing quickly and disrupting the market, is looking for a Lead Software Engineer to take ownership of the Technical S...

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Motor Claims Handler

10 February by Recruit Insure Ltd

Recruit Ins are looking for a Global TPA Motor Handler within the UK TPA team for a global adjusting company. As a Motor Claims Handler you will be responsible for processing and investigating insurance claims relating to customers' Motor policies. T...

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