4 Service Engineer Jobs

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Part Time Bookkeeper

Part Time Bookkeeper Job in Ringwood - 9-month FTC Our client is a thriving design and engineering firm who are searching for Bookkeeper for a 9-month contract role with an expected start date of 25 April 2025. They work with a great range of commerc...

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Accounts Administrator

Yesterday by SER (Staffing) Ltd

Founded in 1996, by engineers, and run by engineers, we are service providers for some of the largest hotel chains in the country, including Marriott, Holiday Inn, Hilton and many more We love what we do, and we always deliver, and we are looking for...

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Purchase Ledger

The Client: Jackson Hogg are Partnering with a Global Organisation, consisting of Designers, Engineers and Consultants, dedicated to sustainable development. They support their clients to solve the most complex challenges, turning their ideas into re...

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Assistant Accountant

A heavily task focused Assistant Accountant is required by a local firm to manage the Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger, Month End & Reporting. Working with a part time Purchase Ledger bookkeeper plus a fully Qualified Accountant (who comes in once a mon...

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