3 Social Care jobs in Membury(Social Services)

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Care Assistant

21 January by HC-One Limited

In your role as a Care Assistant at HC-One, you’ll value kindness above all. It touches upon every aspect of our Dementia, Nursing, Residential and Sp...

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Housing Officer

23 January by Ackerman Pierce

My client is seeking an experienced Housing Officer to be able to successfully manage their own patch. The Housing Officer will be responsible for Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) cases alongside tenancy matters. The client understands the pressures of th...

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Care Assistant

21 January by HC-One Limited

In your role as a Care Assistant at HC-One, you’ll value kindness above all. It touches upon every aspect of our Dementia, Nursing, Residential and Specialist care homes. Every single person who works here understands that our residents are people ju...

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Housing Officer

Housing Management Estates Management Tenancy breaches 3 month contract with potential to be extended 37 hours per week, 4 days per week in the office or out on patch, 1 day work from home 15 to 25 per hour depending on experience Based close to Exet...

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How many Social Care jobs in membury are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 3 Social Care jobs within 10 miles of Membury on Reed.co.uk right now.

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What is the average salary of Social Care jobs in membury

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