2 Supervisor Jobs in Cwmdar

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Sport and Boarding Assistants / PE and Sports Coach

11 February by St Edmunds College

Job Title: Sport and Boarding Assistants Location: Ware, Hertfordshire Salary: 17,340 gross, paid over 11 months. Job Type: Fixed-Term - Term Time Hours: Term-time plus fixtures, school trips and Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) expeditions (Required for Sep...

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Prep Sports Assistant / PE and Sports Coach

11 February by St Edmunds College

Job Title: Prep Sports Assistant Location: Ware, Hertfordshire Salary: 11,347 gross, paid over 11 months Job Type: Fixed-Term - Term Time Hours: 24 hours per week, Term-time only Prep Sports Assistant (Required for September 2025) St Edmund's Prep Sc...

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There are 2 Supervisor jobs within 10 miles of Cwmdar on Reed.co.uk right now.

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