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AV Service Engineer

3 February by Kinly

ROLE: Audio Visual Service Engineer CONTRACT TYPE: Full-time LOCATION : London, UK Role Summary Kinly is one of the world’s most recognisable companie...

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AV Technician

3 February by Kinly

Role: AV Technician Location: London (central) Salary: Strong basic (dependent on experience), plus company benefits Hours : 40 hrs per week, covering...

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AV Engineer

3 February by Kinly

Role: L3 AV Engineer Contract Type: Permanent Full-time Location: London, EC2N Salary: 45,000 - 50,000 DOE (Further salary review following successfully passing probation) Kinly is one of the world’s most recognisable companies within the Audio Visua...

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AV Service Engineer

3 February by Kinly

ROLE: Audio Visual Service Engineer CONTRACT TYPE: Full-time LOCATION : London, UK Role Summary Kinly is one of the world’s most recognisable companies within the Audio Visual and Unified Communications technology space, working with numerous high-pr...

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AV Technician

3 February by Kinly

Role: AV Technician Location: London (central) Salary: Strong basic (dependent on experience), plus company benefits Hours : 40 hrs per week, covering 8-hour shifts between 07:30 am - 22:00pm on a rota basis Interview process: 2-stage process (virtua...

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