3 Teacher Jobs in Sale

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Lead Social Worker

7 February by Sensible Staffing

Main Purpose Over-sees and leads all Social Worker activity, Co-ordinates, negotiates and manages the mandatory processes and procedures to ensure the unit's compliance with current legislation and statutory regulation; taking appropriate action to p...

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Children's Residential Team Leader/Senior

Locations: Positions in M28 area of Manchester Position: Team Leader / Senior Residential Support Worker Shift Pattern: 2 Days On, 3 Days Off (Including Sleep-In Shifts) Salary: Team Leader 13.50ph( 28,080) plus 50 sleep in rate ( 6000)/ Senior Suppo...

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School Administrator

1 February by Appcastenterprise

Job description We're on a mission to give our colleagues an amazing work/life balance Job title: School Administrator Location: Brick Lane School, Tower Hamlets, London Salary: Up to 25,000.00 per annum Hours: 37.5 hours per week; Monday to Friday C...

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