Job hidden.

Occupational Therapist

16 January by NHS Professionals

Band 6 or Band 7 Occupational Therapist Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust Little Brook Hospital (Allington Centre), DA2 6PB 20.05 - 24...

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Educational Psychologist

24 January by PPR Social Care

Educational Psychologist Location: South East Pay rate: 1,268.42 per day We are looking for an experienced and dedicated Educational Psychologist (EP) to work with in the Educational Psychology Service which is part of the Early Help Integrated Local...

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Leaving Care Personal Advisor

Leaving Care Personal Advisor Duration: Initially 3 months Hours: 35 hours per week Rate: 24 umbrella an hour ( 19 PAYE an hour) Greenwich Council are looking for a Personal Advisor to join their Care Leavers Team Responsibilities: To manage and supp...

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There are 27 temporary, full-time Family jobs within 10 miles of Romford on right now.

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