7 Temporary Move Manager Jobs

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Housing Team Leader

21 January by Ackerman Pierce

Do you have experience as an Outreach Support Team Manager? My client is excited to be able to recruit for a new member of staff to join their growing but experienced Homeless Prevention team within the Street Homeless Team. The team has the goal to ...

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Deputy Hostels Manager

18 February by Ackerman Pierce

My client at the London Borough of Redbridge is looking for a Deputy Hostels Manager to help support an ongoing project in the Council and directly support the Hostels Manager to run and manage hostel provision for the Housing Needs Service. Ensuring...

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Homelessness Project Worker

17 February by Ackerman Pierce

Have you had experience working as a housing support worker? Do you hold the necessary skills to help vulnerable people maintain accommodation? I'm excited to be able to recruit for my client who are looking for a strong Housing Support worker to wor...

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Housing options officer

6 February by Ackerman Pierce

Homeless Prevention Caseworker My client is seeking an experienced Homeless Prevention Caseworker with strong knowledge of Part 6 and 7 of the Housing Act 1996. The team are looking for an experienced candidate that can add quality amongst knowledgea...

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Tenancy Management & Resettlement Team Leader

17 February by Ackerman Pierce

Are you an experienced Tenancy Management Team Leader? Do you have experience managing a team of officers? My client is seeking an experienced Tenancy Management & Resettlement Team Leader To effectively manage the Tenancy Management and Resettlement...

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Floating Support Worker - West London

Job Title: Floating Support Worker Assignment Duration: 4 weeks Location: Borough of Hounslow, Office based East Hounslow Pay: 15.83 holiday pay = 17.74 per hour or 20.00 umbrella per hour Hours: Monday - Friday, 09:00-17:00 Travel expenses during sh...

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Learning Disability Occupational Therapist

23 January by Ackerman Pierce

Manchester City Council are looking to recruit an enthusiastic Occupational Therapist to join a well-structured and dynamic Learning Disability team. The client offers a full-time contract with an opportunity to work from home, a fair and manageable ...

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