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Sales Assistant

Fed up of Warehouse or Admin work? - Start as a Sales Assistant Are you fed up of being in the warehouse and speaking to the same people everyday? Get out of the warehouse and start as a sales assistant with this great opportunity. Feeling stuck in a...

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Internal Sales Executive - Insulation & Dry Lining

14 February by Mitchell Maguire

Internal Sales Executive - Insulation & Dry Lining Job Title: Internal Sales Executive - Insulation & Dry Lining Job reference Number: 790498-1220-24334 Industry Sector: Internal Sales Executive, Internal Sales, Customer Service, Branch Assistance, B...

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Sales Manager

A really good opportunity for an experienced industrial Sales Manager to join a very successful and fast growing UK sales & service office of a European manufacturer of packaging machinery and associated consumables to the non food warehouse and dist...

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Account Manager

Account Manager 28,000 - 32,000 Our client is a highly successful business working within the world of supply chain in Bradford. They are looking to recruit an additional Account Manager to add to their growing team. This is an excellent opportunity ...

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There are 4 Warehouse jobs within 10 miles of Low Moor West Yorkshire on right now.

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