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Senior SHE Manager

17 February by Brush Group

The primary function of this role is to facilitate the day-to-day implementation of Safety, Health and the Environment (SHE) activity, proactively acr...

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Regional Property Manager Residentaial

We have a great career opportunity for a Regional Manager / Regional Property Manager, reporting to the Head of Property for Residential Management Group’s South region. You will be responsible for the operational management of a team of Property Man...

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Senior SHE Manager

17 February by Brush Group

The primary function of this role is to facilitate the day-to-day implementation of Safety, Health and the Environment (SHE) activity, proactively across KUS and work with all stakeholders to keep everyone safe and healthy. The post-holder will be re...

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Estate Services Manager

4 days ago by Stonewater

Here at Stonewater, we are looking for a pro-active professional to join us as Estate Services Manager. You’ll oversee the strategic delivery of services ensuring that all grounds maintenance, cleaning, and estate management activities are carried ou...

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There are 3 Delivery Manager jobs within 10 miles of Chyvarloe on right now.

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