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Level 3 Teaching Assistant - Coalville

Hays Education is working with a welcoming school in Coalville to find a Level 3 Teaching Assistant to join their team after February Half Term until the end of the academic year. The school are looking for a Level 3 TA with an excellent working know...

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Level 3 Teaching Assistant

Hays Education is working with reputable school in Loughborough to find a Qualified Teaching Assistant to join their team from January until the end of the academic year. The school are looking for Level 3 TA with an excellent working knowledge of th...

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SEN Teaching Assistant - Coalville

Hays are proud to be working with a great behaviour provision in the heart of Leicester. This provision caters for the needs of SEMH children and challenging behaviours, at risk of being permanently excluded from mainstream schooling. The aim is to m...

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