2 Hospitality Jobs in Latton Essex

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Catering Assistant

17 December by Pertemps Swindon

Pertemps Swindon are currently looking for a Catering assistant to start in the new year. Part-time role 3 months fixed contract. Pay 12.28 per hour. Monday to Friday 11.45am-2.15pm What you'll need to have: BFH level 2 Certificate required. Subject ...

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Market Stall Holder

26 November by Responsive Personnel

Farmer’s Market Stall Holder / Delivery Driver Responsive Personnel are again recruiting, this time for Full and Part time Farmer’s Market Stall Holders / Delivery Drivers. The role involves attending Farmers Markets and pop-up shops at corporate off...

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How many Hospitality & Catering jobs in latton essex are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 2 Hospitality & Catering jobs within 10 miles of Latton Essex on Reed.co.uk right now.

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