5 Charity Jobs in Chichester(Charity)

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Senior Support Worker - Chichester

Are you a warm, caring person with practical life skills? Are you looking for a local role that fits your commitments and comes with variety, challenges and rewarding results, not to mention excellent benefits? Then make the move to Southdown as a Se...

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School Crossing Patrol

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) operate a range of home to school and adults services transport routes across the County. As part of our team, you will enable vulnerable people to achieve the best possible personal outcomes. You will do this by pro...

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Car and Minibus Driver

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) operate a range of home to school and adults services transport routes across the County. As part of our team, you will enable vulnerable people to achieve the best possible personal outcomes. You will do this by pro...

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School Crossing Patrol

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) operate a range of home to school and adults services transport routes across the County. As part of our team, you will enable vulnerable people to achieve the best possible personal outcomes. You will do this by pro...

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Passenger Assistant

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) operate a range of home to school and adults services transport routes across the County. As part of our team, you will enable vulnerable people to achieve the best possible personal outcomes. You will do this by pro...

Frequently Asked Questions
How many Charity & Voluntary jobs in chichester are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 5 Charity & Voluntary jobs within 10 miles of Chichester on Reed.co.uk right now.

How can I be the first to find out when there are new Charity & Voluntary jobs chichester on Reed.co.uk?

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What is the average salary of Charity & Voluntary jobs in chichester

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