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Customer Services Advisor temp to perm

12 February by Reed

Customer Service Advisor Hourly rate: 13.19 PAYE Location: West Bromwich (office based) Job Type: Temp to perm Join our team as a Customer Service Advisor and play a crucial role in delivering high-quality, cost-effective housing and telecare service...

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Responsible Individual

Regional Director / Responsible Individual Wolverhampton and Birmingham 60k JOB SUMMARY Regional Director / Responsible Individual We require a Regional Director acting as our Responsible individual in Wolverhampton/Birmingham Region. You will come t...

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Support Worker / Senior Support Worker - Residential Childcare

Our client is looking to recruit a number of Support Worker and Senior Support Workers/Team Leaders for their Residential Childcare Homes around Birmingham. Support Worker - up to 13 per hour 50 per sleep in payments (Full time - 40 hours per week) S...

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Registered Manager / Deputy Manager Residential Childcare

Deputy Manager- up to 35,000.00 per year Registered Manager- up to 65k per year plus 10% bonus To take overall responsibility for the management and leadership of the Children’s Home, either as the Registered Manager or Deputy Manager, promoting high...

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