5 Contract Agile Delivery Lead Jobs

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Lead IT Project Manager

7 February by ZIGUP

Location: Homebased with commutable distance to Darlington, Peterlee or Huddersfield Duration: Fixed term for 18 months We are looking for an experienced IT Project Manager to drive the successful delivery of IT change projects within our organisatio...

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Project Manager - 12 month FTC

19 February by FMG

C ontract Project Manager – Telecoms Transformation (12-Month Fixed Term) Location: Hybrid / Huddersfield Contract Length: 12 months Compensation: Competitive fixed rate performance-based completion bonus We are seeking an experienced Project Manager...

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Transformational Delivery Lead Project Manager

23 January by Office Angels

Job Title: Transformational Delivery Lead Project Manager Location: Remote (with potential travel) Contract Details: Fixed Term Contract (6 months) Salary: 448 per day About Our Client: Our client is a leading organisation in the pharmaceutical indus...

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Programme Manager - Commercial

Join our team and be part of a company that truly lives its values. With our expertise and commitment to innovation, we aim to build trust and make health and wellness accessible to all. By fostering inclusivity and care, we work collaboratively to i...

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Senior Commercial Regulation Manager economics

21 February by Page Group

9 month fixed term contract for a Senior Commercial Regulation Manager (economics) Client Details Highly regulated business Description I am recruiting for a Senior Commercial Regulation Manager (economics) with a highly regulated business in the nor...

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Jobseekers searching for agile delivery lead jobs also search for it project manager jobs, delivery manager jobs, senior it project manager jobs, agile jobs, and agile delivery manager jobs.

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