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Housing Support Worker

Ashberry Recruitment are currently looking for a temporary full time Project Workers to work in Rochdale. As a Project Worker, you will be providing support to clients within the service. Some of your duties and responsibilities will be as follows: -...

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Support Worker

Mental Health Support Worker Tradewind Recruitment is currently looking for enthusiastic Mental Health support workers, to work in one of our partnerships SEMH setting within Lancaster . The role is full time Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm working with se...

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Support Worker

Mental Health Support Worker Tradewind Recruitment is currently looking for enthusiastic Mental Health support workers, to work in one of our partnerships SEMH setting within Wigan . The role is full time Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm working with severa...

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There are 3 contract Education Recruitment jobs within 10 miles of Lancashire on right now.

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