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Nursery Nurses in Loughborough

16 January by Aspire People Limited

? Calling All Qualified Nursery Nurses in Loughborough ? Are you a qualified Nursery Nurse looking for an exciting new opportunity? Our client is recruiting ASAP and is eager to welcome a dedicated professional to their small, supportive team in the ...

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Advanced Practitioner

Advanced Nurse / Clinical Practitioner Opportunity available for a Advanced Nurse / Clinical Practitioner to work within an GP Practice, Based in Leicester The team sits within the GP Practice with the role predominately be responsible for the delive...

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General Practice Health Care Assistant

General Practice Health Care Assistant Opportunity available for a Healthcare Assistant to work within a GP Practice Setting, Based in Leicester The team sits within a GP Practice setting with the role predominately assist medical personnel in the ca...

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Supply Teaching Assistant DE21

14 January by Aspire People Limited

Classroom Teaching Assistant 90 - 95 Per Day. Aspire People are currently seeking experienced Teaching Assistants to work in Derby and surrounding areas so if you are looking for a new role and have experience in this area then please get in touch. A...

Frequently Asked Questions
How many contract Nurse jobs in coalville are there on right now?

There are 4 contract Nurse jobs within 10 miles of Coalville on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for nurse jobs also search for care assistant jobs, and nhs jobs.

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