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Contracts Manager

London - Hybrid role 6 months contract Rate 500.00 per day via ltd My client requires a contracts manager to aid and steer contractual negotiations for research and research-related activities. You will advise various internal departments on the cont...

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Legal Contracts Manager ( in-house)

Remote role 6 months contract Rate 450.00 per day via ltd My client requires a contracts manager to aid and steer contractual negotiations for research and research-related activities. You will advise various internal departments on the contractual o...

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Commercial Solicitor

6 Feburary by Morson Talent

Morson Talent are recruitng an In House Commercial Solicitor for a large organsiation within the Energy Sector based in London on an inital 12 month contract. Candidates should ideally have expeirence in Construction law and be at least 2 years PQE. ...

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