3 Customer Service Jobs in Sketty

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Customer Service Assistant

14 February by TSR Legal Recruitment

French-Speaking Customer Service Assistant - Swansea Salary: Up to 25,000 (DOE) Are you a customer-focused professional fluent in French and English? Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment and enjoy solving problems? If so, we want to hear from yo...

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Customer Service Assistant

31 January by TSR Legal Recruitment

French-Speaking Customer Service Assistant - Swansea Salary: Up to 25,000 (DOE) Are you a customer-focused professional fluent in French and English? Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment and enjoy solving problems? If so, we want to hear from yo...

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French Customer Services

24 January by Euro London

Multilingual Customer Services - FRENCH up to 25K benefits - Swansea area (hybrid) We have an excellent opportunity to join this exciting multinational at the forefront of technology looking for a Customer Services Advisors. You are required to speak...

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How many Customer Service jobs in sketty are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 3 Customer Service jobs within 10 miles of Sketty on Reed.co.uk right now.

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