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Bank Support Worker

Job Introduction Bank Support Worker Pay rate: 14.78 to 15.38 (Monthly Pay) Shift Pattern: Mon to Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm, 8:00pm - 8:00am Requirements: Drivers are required and must have complex care experience. Unfortunately, we cannot provide VISA spo...

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Support Worker - Camborne

Yesterday by Brandon Trust

Package Description: We’re hiring for Support Workers in Camborne and Redruth Supporting adults and young people living in their own homes and apartments in Camborne and Redruth. Each is unique in their interests, abilities and needs, which means the...

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Bank Support Worker - Camborne

Yesterday by Brandon Trust

Package Description: We’re looking for Bank Support Workers in Camborne Do you enjoy a job where every day is different and you are making a difference to the lives of people? We support a number of people living in their own homes in the Camborne an...

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Team Leader - Camborne

Yesterday by Brandon Trust

Package Description: Seeking a Team Leader in Camborne Looking for your next step in Social Care? Your skills and experience working in care could be a great match for our Team Leader role. You will support a gentleman with a learning disability, liv...

Frequently Asked Questions
How many Driver jobs in woodstock cornwall are there on right now?

There are 4 Driver jobs within 10 miles of Woodstock Cornwall on right now.

How can I be the first to find out when there are new Driver jobs woodstock cornwall on

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Jobseekers searching for driver jobs also search for sales jobs, driving jobs, retail jobs, immediate start jobs, and cleaner jobs.

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