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Primary School Supply Teacher

8 January by Hoop Recruitment

Are you a qualified Primary School Teacher looking for either part time or long-term work? Do you have a genuine desire to make a positive impact on young learners' lives? We are seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic Primary School Teacher to work wit...

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Additional Learning Needs Teaching Assistant

8 January by Hoop Recruitment

This advert is for individuals who are interested in working with children with additional learning needs . This will usually be on a 1 to 1 basis and will mean you are responsible for looking after and working with the child in a school-based settin...

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Additional Learning Needs Teaching Assistant

8 January by Hoop Recruitment

This advert is for individuals who are interested in working with children with additional learning needs . This will usually be on a 1 to 1 basis and will mean you are responsible for looking after and working with the child in a school-based settin...

Frequently Asked Questions
How many Early Teacher jobs in swansea are there on right now?

There are 3 Early Teacher jobs within 10 miles of Swansea on right now.

How can I be the first to find out when there are new Early Teacher jobs swansea on

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What similar jobs can I find on

Jobseekers searching for early teacher jobs also search for teacher jobs, education jobs, and primary teacher jobs.

What is the average salary of Early Teacher jobs in swansea

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