7 Energy Jobs in Huddersfield

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Gas Breakdown Engineer

5 days ago by Liberty Group

Liberty has an exciting opportunity for a Gas Breakdown Engineer to join our team, based in Glossop and surrounding areas. You will be working on a fu...

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Gas Breakdown Engineer

17 February by Liberty Group

Liberty has an exciting opportunity for a Gas Breakdown Engineer to join our team, based in Oldham. You will be working on a full-time, permanent basi...

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Gas Breakdown Engineer

5 days ago by Liberty Group

Liberty has an exciting opportunity for a Gas Breakdown Engineer to join our team, based in Glossop and surrounding areas. You will be working on a full-time, permanent basis, working 40 hours per week and in return, you will receive a competitive ra...

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Key Account Manager - Smart / IoT

21 February by Utility People

Our client, a leading provider of smart metering solutions for water utilities , is expanding its presence in the UK. With expertise in water data management, smart cities, and IoT technologies , they are looking for a UK-based Key Account Manager to...

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Gas Service Engineer

17 February by Liberty Group

Liberty has an exciting opportunity for a Gas Service Engineer to join our team, based in Glossop. You will be working on a full-time, permanent basis, working 40 hours per week and in return, you will receive a competitive rate of pay including on t...

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Gas Breakdown Engineer

17 February by Liberty Group

Liberty has an exciting opportunity for a Gas Breakdown Engineer to join our team, based in Oldham. You will be working on a full-time, permanent basis, working 40 hours per week and in return, you will receive a competitive rate of pay including on ...

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Technical Project Manager (IoT connectivity) - Water Utilities

29 January by Utility People

Our client, who is a leader in smart metering solutions for water and heat utilities, is expanding into the UK water market and looking for a Technical Project Manager to join their team. In this role, you will lead IoT connectivity, water metering, ...

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Field Representative

28 January by Novax Recruitment

Job Title: Field Representative Location: West Yorkshire (BD, LS, WF) Salary: 26,500 Bonuses Company Car The Role Act as a representative of the Client to deliver a range of services that are required by various utility companies. The core activity f...

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Dual Fuel Engineer

22 January by Gi Group

Job Title: Smart Metering Engineer Area : As stated Responsible to: Smart Metering Operations Manager Working hours: 40 hrs per week Salary: - 40,450 Basic - With potential to earn an additional 100 per month in attendance bonus. Purpose of Job/Key o...

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There are 7 Energy jobs within 10 miles of Huddersfield on Reed.co.uk right now.

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