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HR Business Partner

HR Business Partner 50,000- 60,000 Chesterfield - onsite full time Are you an operational HR Business Partner/Manager looking for a challenge? Have you always wanted to join an organisation and set up a HR function? I am working with a successful SME...

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HR Manager

Elevation HR are delighted to be partnering with one of our manufacturing clients nr Worksop to identify a site HR Manager. The role will lead all HR operations for the site, supported by a HR Advisor and reporting into the Site Director and Group HR...

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HR Manager

13 February by HR Recruit

HR Manager Vacancy Sheffield Permanent, 39 hours per week 55,000 - 60,000 plus car allowance Hybrid HR Recruit is currently seeking an experienced HR professional to join our SME in the industrial sector. The role is stand - alone in the UK and will ...

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There are 3 Engagement Director jobs within 10 miles of Chesterfield on right now.

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