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Sales Assistant

20 February by Topps Tiles

Aged 21 and above: 11.44 per hour plus personal sales commission Aged 20 and below: 10.18 per hour plus personal sales commission What makes a job at Topps Tiles a retail career like no other? Working in retail as a Topps Tiles Sales Assistant really...

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Sales Assistant

5 days ago by Topps Tiles

Aged 21 and above: 11.44 per hour plus personal sales commission Aged 20 and below: 10.18 per hour plus personal sales commission What makes a job at Topps Tiles a retail career like no other? Working in retail as a Topps Tiles Sales Assistant really...

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Sales Assistant

3 days ago by Topps Tiles

Aged 21 and above: 11.44 per hour plus personal sales commission Aged 20 and below: 10.18 per hour plus personal sales commission What makes a job at Topps Tiles a retail career like no other? Working in retail as a Topps Tiles Sales Assistant really...

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Trade Showroom Consultant

Company: This is one of the companies everyone would like to work for They are well- known and lead the way in the industry offering excellent training, support and career progression. The company name alone will open doors for you and allow you to f...

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Sales Representative

2 days ago by Reed

Sales Consultant & Administrator Location: Croydon Job Type: Full-time I am looking for a Sales Consultant & Administrator to join a great client and entrepreneurial team. This new role offers a fantastic opportunity for someone with the right skills...

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There are 5 full-time Assistant Project Manager jobs within 10 miles of Stratforduponavon on right now.

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