Job hidden.

Director of Procurement & Supply Chain

11 February by SGN

Salary: 140k -200k Depending on location. Perks & Benefits: Competitive pension scheme - Enhanced maternity/paternity pay - Life assurance - HolidayPl...

Job hidden.

Procurement Operations Lead

20 January by Robert Walters

My customer recognises Procurement capability has a growing potential to contribute to cost management as well as improving the value from our vendors. Over the last 12 months, a number of changes have been implemented to help enhance the maturity of...

Job hidden.

Blood Supply Director - fully remote

A uniquely rewarding opportunity to make a profound impact on public health Instrumental in shaping NHSBT's response to national healthcare challenges About Our Client As a member of the Executive Team and Board, the Director of Blood Supply, has ove...

Job hidden.

Director of Procurement & Supply Chain

11 February by SGN

Salary: 140k -200k Depending on location. Perks & Benefits: Competitive pension scheme - Enhanced maternity/paternity pay - Life assurance - HolidayPlus - Cycle2work Scheme & more Reference: REQ4612 We are looking for…. A Director of Procurement & Su...

Job hidden.

Project Assistant

21 February by K&J Solutions

The Project Assistant supports the Project Teams in delivering successful projects. This role involves providing essential administrative and organisational support, ensuring the smooth operation of all project phases. Strong attention to detail, exc...

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