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Responsible Individual

20 February by Reed

We're seeking an experienced and competent Responsible Individual on a self-employed basis for a children's home in Waltham Abbey . There is also an opportunity to take on a second home and a third home. You will have a strong background in residenti...

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Registered Manager

3 February by Social Care Locums

We are looking for an experienced individual to carry out the following duties: Overall responsibility for providing quality residential and respite care, training, advice and other support services are provided to adults with learning difficulties a...

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Head of Customer Services Housing Repairs

14 February by Red Personnel

Job Advert: Head of Customer Services (Housing Repairs) Partnered with LB Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) Rate: 450 per day (Umbrella) | Hybrid (3 days/week in Hammersmith office) Red Personnel is proud to partner with LB Hammersmith & Fulham to recruit ...

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Nursing home Manager

Our Client are now looking for a RGN / RMN Qualified Home Manager for a small home with just over 30 beds Main Purpose of Job The Home Manager has overall responsibility for: The management of the Home. Ensuring adherence to company policies and proc...

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Operations Manager - Care Homes

31 January by Social Care Locums

We are looking for an experienced Manager to carry out the following duties: To lead the day-to day operations of the Group. Ensure that all services across the company portfolio are operating in alignment with company standards, policies and procedu...

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