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Social Worker

2 days ago by Elysium Healthcare

As a Social Worker, you can be the reason why lives change for the better, helping some of the most vulnerable people gain a brighter future. With pre...

Job hidden.

Social Worker

2 days ago by Elysium Healthcare

As a Social Worker, you can be the reason why lives change for the better, helping some of the most vulnerable people gain a brighter future. With previous experience from the NHS or private care, you can join the multidisciplinary team at Chadwick L...

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Children’s Social Worker, Safeguarding Team, Milton Keynes

19 February by PPR Social Care

Children’s Social Worker, Safeguarding Team, Milton Keynes Pay rate 38 per hour Contract role – Safeguarding Team Pertemps are recruiting for an experienced Children’s Social Worker in Milton Keynes This is to work in a Safeguarding Team There is ple...

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There are 2 full-time Process jobs within 10 miles of Addington Buckinghamshire on right now.

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