Job hidden.

Software Configuration Manager

Yesterday by Saab UK

Introduction Saab UK is a British company that is part of Saab Group's global high-technology operations. Saab offers world-leading solutions and serv...

Job hidden.

Software Configuration Manager

Yesterday by Saab UK

Introduction Saab UK is a British company that is part of Saab Group's global high-technology operations. Saab offers world-leading solutions and services in defence, aviation, space and civil security. In the UK we bring together the best of Swedish...

Job hidden.

Java Software Developer

2 days ago by LANCESOFT LTD

The main function of a Developer is to design, develop, and implement applications using general languages and technologies ( eg. Java) to support business requirements. Job Responsibilities: • Analyse highly complex business requirements; generate t...

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There are 2 full-time Software Support Engineer jobs within 10 miles of Berkshire on right now.

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