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Self Employed Representative

11 February by Mirror Marketing Ltd

Mirror Marketing Ltd are an independent marketing agency working with well-known companies merchandising & auditing their brands in stores near you. This is a self-employed role which gives you flexibility to work any hours that suit you. Most availa...

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Self Employed Representative

11 February by Mirror Marketing Ltd

Mirror Marketing Ltd are an independent marketing agency working with well-known companies merchandising & auditing their brands in stores near you. This is a self-employed role which gives you flexibility to work any hours that suit you. Most availa...

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Sales Assistant (P/T)

Jenningsbet - Retail Betting Sales Assistant - Part Time 30 Hours over any 4 days from 7 (plus opportunities for paid overtime) We are looking for a Sales Assistant to be part of a team in a fun and engaging betting environment. Whilst we welcome app...

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There are 3 graduate It Director jobs within 10 miles of Abbey Mead on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for it director jobs also search for it manager jobs, it jobs, and information technology jobs.

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